Sunday, 29 July 2012

Then there were floods......

Yeah yeah, I know, haven't posted for over a month. Well, take me out the backyard and kick me up the bum! Well, actually truth of it is that I had The Flu. (It deserves capital letters.) It was horrid and nasty and a month on I STILL haven't shaken it off! Not to worry
   Plus we had floods! Straight after the earthquake in June. PLUS we had another minor earthquake last Friday night. Only a 4.5. Piffling really. I felt it though. Not many did. What's next? Plague of locusts?
   David has managed to put up some shelves in my kitchen. Changed the old overhead fan to a light. Pics of those will come soon. 
 In the meantime here are some flood pics and the rear of the house.

This is a small open drain normally dry. The water is all across the parkland. Originally the Watts River would tend to flood regularly, then they built the dam, now water only floods when the dam is overfull and the surrounding joining creeks empty into it.  July 2 2012

This is the old caravan park which is now used once a month for a market. Reason it is no longer a caravan park is pretty obvious! It floods! I take my dog for a walk way beyond the trees at the back which is along the Watts River. In normal times it is a lovely bushland walk with birds twittering and cheeping. Not today! You'd need a kayak! July 2 2012
Ok this is in late 2009 but not alot has changed. David was replacing the leaky old gutter with a good 2nd hand one he had lying around his old house. We only have gutters in front and back. The tarps are gone and now have a roller door in the middle section. Sadly the underneath is still full of David's crap stuff. I had hoped to park my car under there out of the weather but alas! all these years later STILL waiting! Gah!

     Ok, well, off to get a cuppa and try to get back to kicking David's butt! LOL!