Monday, 5 March 2012


I just can't believe it. My dear friend David has slashed his ring finger on his right  hand to the bone and had surgery a week ago today. His ability to work is now 10%. He's also right handed! What else? The great timing of being worse than ever with a gastro type illness and my thyroid woes, and I can barely lift a finger let alone drive him here, there and everywhere, and make him cups of tea! So our reno has been put on hold.....sigh.........

 GOOD news though! We managed to find some interesting things in the hard rubbish collection!  A sliding aluminum window perfect for the front end of the side storage/deck area! I found a sweet little chest of drawers needing some magic, and a lovely old wardrobe which I will paint and put in my bedroom. No pics of those sadly, as we stashed them into the storage containers then realised later, "Oh, NO! We forgot photos!" We weren't up to pulling out all the crap stuff all over again. Took us hours to do the Tetris game of adjusting to get them in in the first place!
  Here are some pics to keep you entertained till next time!
David looking quite jaded. Oscar hoping for some tuna from David's baked potato. 

Unusually wet summer we have had creates some interesting cloud cover. Mt St Leonard's looking from the side of my house.
Cheerio for now!

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